The Blue Whale

1.General Description
The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the baleen whales (Mysticeti). At up to 29.9 metres (98 ft) in length and with a maximum recorded weight of 173 tonnes (190 short tons) and probably reaching over 181 tonnes (200 short tons), it is the largest animal known to have ever existed.
Bionominal name: Balaenoptera musculus
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammaalia |
Order: | Atiodactyla |
Infraorder: | Cetacea |
Family: | Balaenopteridae |
Genus: | Balaenoptera |
Species: | B. musculus |
3. Life Cycle
In order for Blue whales to find a rate, they have to move to warmer waters. Once in warm waters, they will make and temporarily stay for several months until feeding season occurs in which they migrate back to the Artic and Antarctic waters. They will reproduce through mating and then the female will become pregnant in which its gestation period lasts usually 10-12 months. At the very end of the gestation period, the female will give birth to "one" offspring. That offspring can meIasure in at 20-25 feet long when born which is 1/4 or 1/3 the size of an adult blue whale. The mother will feed its newborn from 6-9 months with milks and them will let it begin consuming solid foods and hunting to get its own prey. Once the calf matures at around the ages of 5-10 years, it has the capability of reproducing and begin mating. The lifespan estimated of a blue whale is 90 years.
- The blue whale is the largest creature that still exists today to The blue whale is the largest creature that still exists today to weigh as if it were weighing 30 adult elephants and that length exceeds 2 school buses.
- Blue whales are the evolution of the hippos, these animals make their bodies slender (to make it easier to swim) to turn their forefoots into fins, remove their hind legs and make strong and large tails, blue-whale mouths can hold 100 adults, but this animal instead eating one of the smallest creatures on earth is plankton.
- Blue whales eat by filtering their food, these animals swallow large amounts of water and separate water and plankton using "keratinous" (human hair and nails are also made of this)
- Blue whales breathe using the lungs, and the location of their nostrils is on the top surface of the blue whale. (even a baby can get into it), through this hole, the blue whale sprayed the water it had swallowed apart from the plankoton, the water spray could reach 15 meters.
- The heart of the blue whale has the same magnitude as an angkot car, this heart beats only 5 or 6 times per minute. The blue whale's artery is huge (as big as a pipe) even a small child can enter into it.
- In addition to humans, the predator of the blue whale is the Orca whale and the White Shark.
- Blue whales sleep while swimming, they use half their brains when they sleep.
- Blue whales are the most noisy creatures in the world, their songs can be heard from a distance of several kilometers.
- In addition to humans, the predator of the blue whale is the Orca whale and the White Shark.
- The female whales give birth to 1 baby after 1 year of pregnancy, and the weight of the newly born blue baby whale is about 3 tons and about 8 meters long.
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