Inspiring People

Background and Life Stories B.J Habibie
Who is not familiar with Islamic scholars in this modern century, humans are smart, genius and perhaps among the 130 million inhabitants of Indonesia. A wide range of exact sciences, social sciences, politics and aeronik has been overrun, though in academic or otodidaks. Journey life BJ Habibie is life lessons of a successful ground water scientists in the eyes of the world is not just a fictional or a real engineering instead of reality and facts. Therefore, in this section we shall know who BJ. Habibie? How did he get the resounding accomplishment in the eyes of the world? Factors underlying the success he did both in Indonesia as well as foreign country?
Bj. Habibie was born in Pare-Pare on the province of Ujung Pandang on June 25, 1936 by Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie's full name, son Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and r. a. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo, he was the fourth child of eight children, since childhood he has been building begron a brilliant future both in terms of spiritual as well as intellectual. Learning, helping the elderly, the Koran and a prayer is a daily routine that never left. Therefore, since sitting on the bench, he was a pupil of the school genius, friendly, polite and not arrogant. So the lesson is difficult as exact sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, stereo and geneo in an instant can be resolved with a good value at all.
However, since September 3, 1950, his father died of a heart attack when having made the ' Isha ' prayer '. With a feeling of profound grief r. A Tuti Marini spread hand to God to ask for patience in the face of the next days. After a few moments after her husband's death, he immediately decided to boys her first Habibie to move to Java (Bandung) in order to continue his education.
But it is far from the life of his diligent and studious, Ny. R. A Tuti Marini didn't feel calm, so decided to leave his family for resettlement Ujung Pandang to Bandung with selling homes and vehicles. As long as a student at ITB Habibie is indeed much interested in model airplanes or aeromodeling he made himself.
In the fifties, studying outside the country is still a rare thing, either with a scholarship Government as well as its own costs. But Ny. R. A Tuti Marini was determined to continue his education to his maximum ability, including overseas BJ Habibie heard alone night when his father died, his mother, who was eight months pregnant was screaming and swearing in front of the remains of her husband, Jalal Alwi Habibie that the ideals of her husband's upbringing will be forwarded. That's what makes it no wonder when Habibie asked his mother's negotiator. "Son, you have I got a scholarship to get out of the country. There is already permission of P and K, "he said.
One day he happened to meet up with his friend Kenkie (Laheru) in ITB. Laheru said he would go to Germany continuing education. BJ Habibie claimed that he also intends, but how can I obtain permission and visa? Laheru said, while this is the most important thing is to contact the Ministry for higher education and science.
He immediately set off to Jakarta and meet with officers of the authority. Then he asked what Department the most overpowered? He said that including the Physics Department of aeronautics or the aircraft. His mother sent out of State by reason of Habibie, I chose Habibie as the boy looked to be more serious in terms of learning. To the extent that reversed immediately many gathered together he could read books with fun.
Actually, her sister there who want to continue school abroad, but what about that time again, I have to take off the whole money savings, and as a widow, I don't have a connection, so I was forced to have to fight his own for the sake of the child.When he arrived in Germany, he was determined to dirantau really genuine and should be successful, by remembering her exertion that finance College and their lives everyday.
Before leaving for Germany, he met Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yamin as Minister of education and culture, which at that time was mengelus-ngelus her head and said, "you are this is the hope of the nation." The advice was the test that must be passed successfully by B.J. Habibie.
About Of Habibie
Before entering the age of 40 years, Habibie had very brilliant career, especially in the design and construction of aircraft. Habibie became the "jewels" in the land of Germany and he got a "respectable" position, either materially or intellectually by Germany. During his work in Germany, Habibie MBB contributes to a variety of research results and theories of science and technology in the field of Thermodinamika, construction and Aerodynamics. Some formulation of his theory is known in the world of aircraft as "Habibie Factor", "Habibie Theorem" and "Habibie Method".
In 1968, B.J. Habibie has invited a number of engineers to work in the aircraft industry in Germany. About 40 engineers Indonesia could eventually work in the MBB on the recommendation of Mr. Habibie.
This is done to prepare for the skill and experience (HR) Indonesia to engineer a moment could return to Indonesia and make the aerospace industry products (and then maritime and land). And when (the late) President Suharto sent Ibnu Sutowo to Germany to meet and persuade Habibie returned home to Indonesia, b.j. Habibie immediately prepare and release title, position and prestige in Germany.
This is done by giving a BJ Habibie contribution of science and technology in the nation. In 1974 at the age of 38 years, b.j. Habibie returned to the motherland. He was appointed Government Adviser (directly under the President) in the field of technology and high-tech aircraft until 1978. However from 1974-1978, Habibie is still often commute to Germany because it still served as Vice President and Director of technology at MBB.
Habibie is starting to truly focus after he relinquished his height in Germany Aircraft Company MBB in 1978. And since then, from 1978 to 1997, he was appointed State Minister of research and technology (Minister) and concurrently as Chairman of the Agency for assessment and application of technology (BPPT). In addition, Habibie also appointed Chairman of the National Research Council and various other positions.
Habibie inherited condition of chaotic post-war team that Suharto's resignation due to mismanagement in the new order era, giving rise to rampant unrest and disintegerasi almost the entire territory of Indonesia. Soon after acquiring the powers of President Habibie quickly assembled a Cabinet.
One of the important tasks is to go back to get the support of the International Monetary Fund and donor community for economic recovery program. He also frees political prisoners and easing controls on freedom of speech and the activities of the organization.
During his short life he managed to provide a solid foundation for Indonesia, at which time the Antitrust ACT was born or healthy competition ACT, political parties ACT changes and most importantly is the ACT on the autonomy of the region.Through the implementation of the autonomous region's turmoil disintergrasi inherited since the new order era successfully muted and finally completed in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in the absence of local autonomy ACT certainly Indonesia will suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.
After he came down from his position as President, he lived in Germany more than in Indonesia. But when the Presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, he was again active as an advisor to the President for control of the process of democratization in Indonesia through the organization that he founded the Habibie Center.
His love is great late at his wife, Ainun him pour in book form. He wrote a book entitled & Ainun Habibie. This book is made for alm. his wife. The book contains about the love story of the Professor with his wife.The book was as thick as the 323 pages, tells the story from the beginning of the meeting Habibie and Ainun, until his last breath Ainun akhinya due to complications of the disease on May 22, 2010. Habibie to calculate the live together, since married Ainun on May 12, 1962, during 48 years 10 days
- S3: Rhenisch Wesfalische Tehnische Hochscule – Jerman
- S2: Rhenisch Wesfalische Tehnische Hochscule – Jerman
- S1: Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
- Presiden RI ke-3
- Wapres RI ke-7
- Menteri Riset dan Teknologi ke-1
- Vice President sekaligus Direktur Teknologi di MBB
- Kepala Penelitian dan Pengembangan pada Analisis Struktrur Pesawat Terbang MBB
- Kepala Divisi Metode dan Teknologi pada industri pesawat terbang komersial dan militer di MBB
- Edward Warner Award dan Award von Karman
- Ganesha Praja Manggala Bhakti Kencana dari Institut Teknologi Bandung
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