REINATHA KEZIA SALSABILA So,I want to introduce you to the girl who called Reiiiii.She is a student of 5 Senior High School she is 10 th grade,and how I met her its kinda funny.My friend Anya and Najla introduce her to me 2 or 3 weeks ago as I remember.And if you guys keep asking what is happening between me and her I’ll explain it later. So,the first time I met her actually in bazar ( 3 SHS’s canteen ),she was bought batagor with Najla and when I saw her im like “damnnn who is this girl?” and from there I started to stalk her.And a few months later I ask Najla and Anya is she in a relationship with a dude or nah and they said no J J J J ,and im not wastin’ a lot of time anymore( in bahasa it called with GERCEP ) I ask them to send me her contact thru line and they give it ^_^ so,I just greet her thru line and at first I was like nervous cuz I afraid that she’s not reply me but SHE DID!!! And from there we startin to know each other.Honestly,she’s a funny girl a...